The Grand Midway Hotel is a fascinating location with a history dating back a 130 years! This historic location has functioned as a setting for funerals, weddings, a central location for coal mining immigrants, a bar and even a cafe for traveling artists. It also served as a brothel for a short period of time. Now it is an air bnb with a total of 32 rooms . With all this history it is no wonder that it would be considered a hot spot for paranormal activity! The rumor of major paranormal activity at this location is what drew our investigation team to book a night at the hotel to do our own investigation there. One of the main rooms we will be investigating is the Canopy Room! This room is noted to be the most haunted room in the Hotel. There is a statue of a nun in the room (pictured above) that was salvaged from a catholic church that is reported to move and touch you. It is said that the use of ouija boards in this room result in physical attacks. Ghostly faces can be seen, feelings of being touched, disembodied voices, objects falling on their own, feelings of intense evil and negativity are all reported to be experienced in this room. So for obvious reasons during our investigation this will be one of our main investigative spots with a thorough investigation being performed! Another paranormal occurance that is popular with the Midway hotel and one we most certainley hope to encounter is the spirit of a young woman who died tragically there due to a firework accident named Martha. She is noted as one of the most popularly seen spirits of the hotel. Perhaps she is so active because her death was so sudden? Or maybe she lingers because of how violently she died ; a firework hit her and severed her neck from her spine she died screaming on the balcony in front of everyone. Sounds like a horrible way to go and a definite trigger for a spirit to stick around. Whatever the reason passersby even say they have seen her staring out the window of the room she died in. Another notable phenomenon we hope to encounter is a young girl spirit that was seen by the owner's one friend. According to Murphy the owner of midway, him and some friends were having a barbecue when they heard horrendous screams coming from upstairs. They ran upstairs and found their friend laying on the floor. He said she had lost all control of her body and was screaming. When the friend calmed down she said that she zapped herself on a lamp and when she turned around there was a dead little girl in the hallway screaming at her and she instantly lost control of her body. We hope our investigation will lead to some interesting evidence to share with you. Right now due to Covid-19, our investigation at the hotel is put on a temporary hold until further notice, but once the investigation is completed we will be posting up our evidence and adding our own experience to this blog!