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Going off the theory that orbs are spiritual energy the color in which the orb appears, and size of the orb would have meaning to it. In general size is very simplistic. A small orb would be considered a lower level spirit
one with less power or energy. A large sized orb would be considered to represent a more powerful spirit with more energy. Some would consider larger spirits to represent demonic or angelic entities where smaller ones
are latent energy or earth-bound spirits. Most orbs captured are white in color but on rare occasions they are captured as different colors and these colors usually are interpreted with an emotional aspect. Others, however,
may interpret the orbs as energy based off spiritual energy believes. Below we will list four of the most common and understood spiritual energy believes and then we will delve into orb colors and their meanings.


Types of Spiritual Energy

Prana (Hindu)
This spiritual energy is a Hindu belief. Prana means “breath” in ancient Sanskrit. It is considered more precisely as a life sustaining force! Ancient writings identify Prana as an energy that thrives in all things even our own thoughts! This force is believed to survive the death of our “human body” and can return through


Chi (Chinese)
Chi or Qi in Chinese beliefs is considered the life force of the world and is made up of 
male (Yang) and female (Yin) energies. The goal of Chi energy working is to achieve perfect balance between the two opposites of Yin and Yang. To achieve this one must open their chakras so that their Chi energy can flow through their body into all energy vortexes.


Divine Love (Many Faiths)
Christianity, Judaism, Catholicism and many other religions of the world define spiritual energy as coming from what they call the divine love of God. To them this energy is pure and cannot be corrupted. It is an eternal and constant energy force. The methods for connecting with this divine love varies from one religion to the next

therefore can be interpreted in many ways but the one constant is that it is a pure source of energy.

Mother Earth Spirituality (Native American)
Mother Earth Spirituality is the greatest common point in the Native American Culture and belief systems. Each tribe or nation has its own specific belief system that generates from this divine earth spirituality. They viewed Earth as the mother and the sky as the father and had complete respect for all things. Respect for the earth and the energy she gives off is the basis of this deep spirituality.
Okay Phew... wow that’s a lot to take in perhaps one of these is your own
personal belief set and there is more to it than what we added! If so and you
would like to share with us your belief, please head over to our Q and A section!

        NOW ONTO..................................


When trying to interpret orb colors keep your own beliefs and feeling on orbs in mind when interpreting what the orb could possibly mean below is just some common interpretations we found on the web and tend to follow ourselves as investigators. Remember to use your own feelings you are experiencing during your investigation as a barometer in interpreting the orbs meaning.

White Orbs or Silver Orbs
These orbs are typically associated with spirituality and a connection with a higher source. Some paranormal investigators believe that an orb that is white or silver in color is an indication that a spirit is trapped on this
plane. It may also be interpreted as a sign that the spirit is there to offer protection. White energy is commonly perceived as highly positive energy!

Black or Brown Orbs
Spiritually, many feel that black or brown colors are associated with lower spiritual energy vibrations or heavy spiritual energy. Many investigators interpret black orbs as evil although this may not always be the case. When confronted with a brown or black orb most investigators do tend to lean towards the area being unsafe with potentially negative energies or spirits. If you are investigating and experience one of these orbs, try to investigate the place with caution and if you start feeling uncomfortable or unsafe please leave the area if you don’t know how to properly protect yourself spiritually.

Clear Orbs
Clear orbs tend to be the most seen orbs and are interpreted usually as a spirit of neutral energy trying to communicate with you It also may be trying to convey that something of importance happened in that location or
that the spirit needs help crossing over or moving on.

Red or Orange Orbs
Spiritually red and orange colors are associated with safety and security, as well as a sense of belonging. While Emotionally these warm colors tend to be associated with strong emotions such as anger or passion this tends to
not be the case when interpreting these red and
orange colored orbs. Some investigators believe that a red or orange orb is a sign that an entity has taken on the role of a protector and may have been charged in life to keep watch or be a caretaker.

Green Orbs
In many spiritual practices green is either associated with the heart or nature. Green orbs are sometimes interpreted to be an indication of a human spirit opposed to one that never had a human form. While others
may interpret it as a nature spirit or perhaps even love or oneness with nature.

Blue Orbs
Spiritually this color is associated with psychic energy and truth. To many it is a very charming color and is associated with spiritual guidance. Some investigators feel blue orbs are a sign of a calming energy or spiritual presence, while others may feel that it represents a spiritual guide is present in the area they are investigating.

Gray or Smoky Orbs

Gray can indicate depression or lack of spiritual awareness, or it may represent fear or uncertainty. If you encounter an orb that is this color it could possibly represent the presence of a depressed spiritual entity, or an
entity representing a lack of spiritual awareness unaware that it is a soul no longer in its human body. Smokey orbs just like gray orbs may indicate confusion or trouble.

Pink Orbs
As common belief would have it, pink orbs are usually seen as messengers of love and affection. This love can be interpreted as a universal love such as that from a teacher, spiritual love of an ascended master, or a guardian
angel. It could also represent a more specific love such as that of a deceased lover, spouse, family member, or very close friend manifesting in a way to say they are still with you. This orb usually always represents a message of love, hope, encouragement and peace.

Purple Orbs
Purple Orbs are commonly interpreted as a spirit on a mission to impart important spiritual information to you. This can be any type of information but is extremely important and vital and is usually tailored to the specific
person the orb is lingering around or the person seeing the orb if seen with the naked eye vs. by camera or video.

Yellow Orbs
Yellow Orbs usually are a sign of caution or a warning... if you see one of these during an investigation it may be smart to run an E.V.P session or be ultra-aware of your surroundings to see what it may be cautioning you
against or warning you about.

{Note- This again all depends on your own beliefs }

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